Franki Moments...

Moment #1
Franki: Mommee, would you get me bebe (her bear)?
Mommee: why can't you get it? if you want him, you should go and get him.
Franki: i can't.
Mommee: why not?
Franki: my legs are brwoken.


Moment #2
Vince and Franki each played with a jump rope on the floor. Franki decided she wanted Vince's as well. House rule: no taking toys from others. if toy is left on the floor and unattended, then it's fair game. but if to protect some one from injury, the toy may be taken from the potential victim...

Franki walked over to vince while vince was dangling his jump rope on his arm and said: no vince, don't do that. it will cut off your circulation (pronounced perfectly).
Franki: here, i will protect you.
then she proceeded to take the jump rope off vince's arm and walked away with it.
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