Franki'ism & Stuff #2

M: no franki, you cannot have it. you need to stop asking.
F: i have an idea. how about you and daddee shrwink down to be babies and i'll be the big girwol. then i can send you to your room and then i can get it all by myself?
M: know you're not supposed to touch that.
F: but i'm a trouble maker monkey. i touch things i'm not supposed to. :o)
A silly question gets a simple answer
Dave: Little girl, why are you naked?
Franki: because i took my clothes off. :o)

LOL doih :o) dave felt pretty smart after he received that answer :o) LOL

She has great work ethics
Dave called home from work and Franki answered the phone.
D: hi monkey. wachadoin'?
F: i'm working on my stuff
D: oh yeah? wacha workin' on?
F: Mommee's putting vincent to bed. bye daddee.
Dave called back: Hi monkey. can i talk to mommee?
F: daddee. you have to stop calling me. go back to work. :o)

Daddee: you're the bestest daughter!
Franki in "isn't it obvious" tone: i know daddee

Franki: hey mom, could i bring this into the bath tub?
Mommee: lemme see...hmmm...i guess so...but it's not a bath toy, on second thought, maybe you shouldn't.
Franki: how about on another thought, you let me bring it into the bath tub?

Franki: vince, no don't do that. you're breaking the rules
Vince grunted at her
Franki: no vince. if you do that again, i'm going to send you to your room
Vince grunted at her harder
Franki grunted back in frustration then stormed away into her room, then from her room she says "fine. i'll go into my room and be by myself since you won't listen to me"

Mommee: Franki...where's your drawing stuff? the pencil box looks empty.
Franki: my drawing stuff is downstairs
Mommee: why are they downstairs? they should be in your pencil box. I know YOU know that...
Franki: i put them in my shapes box
Mommee: where's the shapes box
Franki in an exasperated tone: i said they're downstairs

My thoughts...she's not even four and she's this this this...this...can't even find a word... :o) what's worse, she's been doing this since she was 3'ish...scary...

Nov 23, 2009: I just witnessed Franki singing lullabies to her brother in Pantera style, with the head banging and all, yet, she has never seen a rock video... :o) LOL
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