Frankism & Stuff #6

F: is co Thuy my friend?
M: mmm...sure...why not. but she's kinda old. you'll have friends your age from school.
F: is she old like you?
M: yup.
F: whoa!! are you seventeeeeen???? :o)


F walked into our room, laughed out loud then said: when i saw your big giant butt, i thought it was daddee. i was going say "oh hey daddee" but it was just your big giant butt. silly me.

Franki waling from having a 2mm L x .5mm thick splinter in her finger w/ .025mm of its L actually in her skin "i have a splinter and i don't want you to take it out, cause i don't want it to hurt. it really hurts right now, i don't want you to touch it cause you could make..." Mommy plucked it out while drama continued "oh look, it's your splinter" F SWITCHED off instantly "oh. you did good mommee"
‎1 of the house motto: priviledges are earned, not an entitlement. F unsolicitously brought my shoes over to me "here mommy. now i earned my pribeeledge to watch MY movie." M: really? F: yeah. your show's boring. you should earn your pribeeledge to watch that boring stuff. --- talk about circumventing...sheeesh :o)

D: why r u eyeballing this? it's too hot for you. F: i can't stop my face from eyeballing it. it keeps eyeballing your spicy chips. stop it face. stupid face. stop eyeballing daddee's spicy chips. i don't want my tongue to catch fire. --- the whole time she had her hands over her face, trying to turn it away. it's like a G rated scene from fight club :o) Dave, Vince and I laughed so hard we hurt ourselves.
F: listen mommee. i'm going to tell you something very smart and important. if you eat your healthy food. then you can eat your junky dessert and the healthy food will clog it up so that your body doesn't see the unhealthy dessert. so can you make my healthy dinner right now please?
Veggie Tales...but in Franki's interpretation and usage...

7:34AM, Franki: Hey mommee. I'm special 'cause God made me special.
Mommee looking at her suspiciously: uh huh................where are you going with this?
Franki: since i'm special, can i have cookies for breakfast?
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