Self Esteem

Does one's self esteem rises and falls with having kids?

Franki went over to hug dave, and told him to sit down so she can hug him on the ground. Dave complied...
F: I love you daddee.........hey! i can see your head through your hair. how come i can see your head? I can't see my head. i only see hair.
Dave groaned, and replied: it's because i'm getting old. some people lose their hair when they get old
Franki went over to me, asked me to sit down, then looked at my head and announced: i can't see mommee's head. i only see her hair. you must be much older than mommee and me. soon you'll die and becomes dust.

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Frankism N Stuff #5

F sadly: Mommee, Lucius doesn't want to be my husband any more, he wants to be with Madison. i'm broken hearted.
M: aw. it'll be ok. i'm sure there are cooler dudes you can pick from
F: Well, there's Canyon, but he doesn't want to be my husband either.
M: well, why don't you wait until you're 35, then you might have better luck with husbands.
F: no. i'll be too old and it would take forever to be 35.
M: what's your hurry?
F: i need to have kids. i need to have a husband so he can take care of our kids
M: you mean like daddee?
F: yeah
M: know, i was 30 when i met daddee, so maybe you can just be friends with Lucius and Canyon and whoever else now, and then if things work out, you can have a husband (if you want one) when you're 30'ish
F exasperated, sighed, and then exhaled loudly: fine.


F: mommy, why's Vincent being a brat?

M: hmmm...acute observation there little lady. i don't know. say, that brings up a question...why DO you act bratty sometimes?

F thought for a moment then "it's hard to explain mommy"


F: hey mom, my brother says "oreos"

M: really? i didn't hear him say anything...

F: well, he says "sdkhadoghh" and it means, oreos.


:o) LOL :o) She's on a roll Franki's watching a movie, and there's a scene with a hippy in it. none of us said anything, then franki of course said "take a bath hippy" :o)


ugh! i took franki to china grocery store to get a few items that only they carry, and when she out of the car, she sniffed, then said loudly

"oh no! mommee, this is the stinky grocery store. we can't buy anything here. everything's bad"...


Vince's 3 today. he opened one present, played with it, ignored the rest. Franki comtemplated, then said

"if those presents are still there on my birthday. i'm going to open them."
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Franki'ism & Stuff #4

D: what are you doing?
F: i'm trying to look up your nose.
D: why?
F: because i'm trying to see your brain.
D: oh? do you see it?
F: no i can't. i need a flash light.
D: why?
F: i can't see anything because there's too much fur.


F: i'm full mommee
M: really? ok.
F: what are you eating?
M: oh, i'm about to have some cookies with vince
F: ooooh ooooh i want some
M: but you just said you're full that's why you left some of your HP behind
F: i have an idea. how about i share my cookies with you so that i can eat some of it?
M: i can't see how you can share them with me when you're not getting any. afterall, i thought you were full?
F: you know, i'm not full yet. let me finish my HP
M: oh, you're not full yet? i guess i musta made a mistake
F: it's ok mommee. i know you have issues


D: what are you doing?
F: i'm trying to look up your nose.
D: why?
F: because i'm trying to see your brain.
D: oh? do you see it?
F: no i can't. i need a flash light.
D: why?
F: i can't see anything because there's too much fur.
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I love you but....

Franki called Dave at work, on her own reading from the numbers i had written on our message board. i can't hear anything dave said, but the following is what she said:

Franki: Hi daddee, can i have chicken and fries?
Franki: ok daddee. i love you too but can i have some chicken and fries?
Franki: yes! bye bye daddee.
ran to me with a huge smile then: YES! daddee says yes!

Dave called me back shortly after and said: what did she asked me? i couldn't make out what she said on the message...

:o) LOL sneaky little...
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Franki'ism & Stuff #3

franki's version of her birth: I was a star made by God and i was falling down to the ground. but daddee didn't catch me so i hit my head on the grass.


Franki: the fire ants need to go to the beach and build their house. there's lotsa sand there. go fire ants. go on vacation and build your house on the beach so you can eat crabs. leave our house alone. :o) LOL :o)


Franki: would you please get my shoes? i asked very nicely (seems to be a standard follow-up to all her requests now a days)
Mommee: that is true, but asking nicely when you can do things for yourself doesn't work. it's only for when you can'd do things for yourself that counts.
Franki: like when my legs are broken?
Mommee: yeah, or when you're really sick...but i can see that your legs are well so the only thing that would stop you from getting your shoes is you
Franki: i need shoes. i can't run in these (pointing to her backyard slippers). shoes are made for me to run and they never ever fall off and i can run really fast
Mommee: so are you gonna get your shoes or are ya gonna sit here and talk about your shoes?
Franki sighed with acceptance: alright alright, i'll go get my shoes. ugh.


Franki: would you PPPPlease let me have chocolate cake for lunch? i asked very nicely. (note: this was asked @730am)
Mommee: i noticed and am very happy that you are such a polite young lady...but chocolate cake is not a breakfast item.
Franki (arms folded, lower lip protruded, brows furrowed): awwww, but i asked so politely. fine. i'm mad at you. you should go to your room because you ignored me.
Mommee:'s not how it works.
Franki: why not? you send me to my room when i ignore you..?
Mommee: that is true. but...i didnt' ignore you. for the record, i said no to chocolate cake for breakfast and you got upset because you didn't like my answer.
Franki: ok then. for the record. i want chocolate cake for lunch and dinner not breakfast. can we have toast with nutella for breakfast?


Franki: daddee, where did you go when you went over the hill?
Daddee: who told you i was over the hill, mommee? what else has she been passing along to you?
Franki: attitude and issues
:o) LMAO...the blame game has begun!


Daddee: Are you making mischief over there little girl?
Franki: yes. i am miss-chief, you're mr-chief and mommee is mrs-chief


Dave was about to peel a banana for Vince when Franki says
"i'll do it for you daddee. you're too old to peel the banana. let me peel it for vincent" :o)


F: i love daddee's harwt. it's strong.
M: oh? did you hear it?
F: uh huh. it goes boing boing boing boing.... :o) LOL
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Franki's version of ...

...Cleaning up: take everything on the floor and place them on the table/sofa/chair

...dusting: two swipes with the swiffer, then wants a new pad because it's "dirty now"

...making her sandwich: take the cheese to eat it while saying, "ok, i will snack on the cheese while you make the sandwich, ok?"

...being quiet: speaking at a loud whisper

...eating everything i give her: only if they're chocolates

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The torture of childhood...

She goes through her day eating hotpockets, crackers, pizza sandwiches, gold fish, and some times toast when she's really desperate. but now, we implemented the beginning of the end of making her own selection and as a result, an fussy and dramatically sad child appeared. this is a moment in her childhood that i'm sure she'll remember as torture, now, but hopefully we can all laugh about it when the years go by.

the torture of childhood, and frustration of parenthood, at the moment:

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