Irreconcilable differences:

M: why don't you go pick up food, since you don't need to put on a bra? 😁
D: LAUGHED OUT LOUD! You ARE high maintenance, even though you may not think you are. 😂
M: how am i high maintenance? 😕
D: you ARE high maintenance, in a different way, but you are.
M: huh. high maintenance in a different way...interesting 😁

May 12, 2010

F: hey mom. i love our family. i love daddee, i love vincent, i love mommee, i love our family. i love being together. --- said in one breath, or so it seems to me... :o) wonder if she'll sound like this when she's 18... :o) LOL

August 18, 2010

M: Franki, if you're gonna mope, please go to your room and do it. 
F: Mommee, just let me have my pity party here. I need to have a pity party.

September 11, 2010

F sadly: Mommee, Lucius doesn't want to be my husband any more, he wants to be with Madison. i'm broken hearted. 
M: aw. it'll be ok. i'm sure there are cooler dudes you can pick from 
F: Well, there's Canyon, but he doesn't want to be my husband either. 
M: well, why don't you wait until you're 35, then you might have better luck with husbands. 
F: no. i'll be too old and it would take forever to be 35.

October 7, 2010

F to Dave: Daddee, mommee's neglecting me. i asked her for dinner, and she says in a minute. she's on the internet again. :o) LMAO...ratted out by own kid!!!!

Franki & Stuff #8

F: Daddee. i can speak hummingbird.
D: oh? 
F: yeah. hmmmmmmmmmm. see? they're birds and they hum. that's why they're called humming birds. and i speak hummingbirds. seeeeeeeeee? --- big ol'smile with lotsa teeth followed. :o) LOL

F: I love you mommee
M: awww. i love you too. i'm the luckiest mommee everrrr
F: yeah. i love you as much as i love daddeeee, which is a whole lot. i love daddeeee as much as the whole kabilillion universe. so daddeeee's even luckier. -- :o)

F: i'm not happy with you mommee. you annoy me with your rules and you won't let me do anything. why do you make me bored? i can't do anything.
--- wonder how sophisticated this statement would get when she's 14......hmmmmm....
Franki called her grandma: hi grandma, how are you? 
G: hi honey. i'm good. what have you been doing today? 
F: i'm in the office working right now, but i also watched the fishies, rode my bike, played with mommee and vincent, oh and the fishies are soooo slimy. and the huming bird is chasing away all other hummingbirds so that he can have the feeder all to himself. he's being naughty. i'm walking now. no wait, i'm kinda walking but talking too...
M: what's wrong?
F: i bonked my foot when i tried to close the door
M: you ok?
F: yeah.
M: were you rushing again
F: yeah.
D: maybe you shouldn't do that.
F: I don't want to hear from you right now.
LOL :o) truth hurts even when you're only 5 :o) HAH!

F: Mommee. have i been good today?
M: whaddaya think?
F: hmmm...i think i've been super duper good today.
M: oh? how didja come to that assessment?
F: well...maybe i was just good since i did broke 2 rules today.
M: oh? wanna list them?
F exasperated: oh nevermind, ughhhh. you are soooo annoying. :o) LMAO!

Those of you with teens out there...tell me that it doesn't get any worse than this...?????

Ok, so i set myself up for this one...but i gotta give her the credit nonetheles...
M: dinner's ready princess
F in a sing song voice: okkkkkkk, i'll be there in a royal minute. i need to finish working on my royal doheekee.

F: Daddee's a better boss than you. he's got great ideas. you're a crazy boss. he's a better boss. :o) LMAO.
M: HHHHIIIIII!!!! how was your day?
F: great! i had a great time!
M: cool. whacha do?
F: i don't wanna talk about it. tell me what you did today?
M: i don't wanna talk about it. i wanna hear about your day.
F: we did lotsa stuff. ok your turn.
M: i didn't do much. ok your turn.
F: Mommeeeeeeeeeee. you're annoying me.
LMAO :o) we got the dishing it down, but still working on taking it... :o) HAH!!!!

F professed that something was boring. so, here comes daddee...
D: you know...boring is an opinion. you might not want to share that with everyone in your class. you can share it with us, but not with your teacher or your classmates.
F looked at him with loving eyes and a gentle smile: you're boring funny daddee.

:o) LMAO. it ACTUALLY MADE SENSE!!!! Dave stifled a laugh, rolled his eyes and walked away. :o) LMAO

F: school's boring mommee. i don't learn anything new.
M: hmmm...true. maybe not the reading, writing, math, or other blah blah stuff, but i can think of at least one thing.
F: what?
M: following directions. you can definitely learn to follow directions...better.
F: DDDDaddeee can learn not to laugh when he thinks something mommee says about me is funny.

F stepped on a toy: "OWOWOWOWWEEEEEE"
M: you ok?
F: yeeaah waahahayeaha
M: what happened?
F: i stepped on a toy.
F doing dave's voice: WOMAN! You need to stop having so much crap.
M LMAO: not a problem. lets bag all your toys and clear them out of the house.
F perky and smiley (light switch): i love you mommeee

M read the following word: SOLDER --> "sold-der"
D corrected: "saw-der"
M: shouldn't it be written as sodder or sawder or souder if that's how it's supposed to be pronounced?
D: look woman, i didn't invent the language
F: it's ok mommee. i know only daddee and me know how to read. you're still learning. it's ok. :o) LMAO!!!!

So Dave started dozing off on the floor while hanging out with the kids in the game room. F was being her competitive self as she played with V. Suddenly, she stopped playing, got up and went into our room, came out with a blanket and pillow, covered dave with the blanket, and attempted to lift his ginormous head to place the pillow underneath. :o) my heart melted and then i LMAO :o).
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Franki & Stuff #8

F: is co Thuy my friend? 
M: mmm...sure...why not. but she's kinda old. you'll have friends your age from school. 
F: is she old like you? 
M: yup. 
F: whoa!! are you seventeeeeen???? 

F: when it's my birthday, i'm going to invite Cody to my party. 
M: Cody's a little too old to for your party. i'm afraid he might get bored. 
F: don't worry, i'll give him a bunch of flowers and tiarras, sparkly stuff so he won't get bored. 
M: that's nice...but don't you think he's too old for that stuff? 
F: but i love him. he'll be happy because i love him.
we were behind a Ford Explorer yesterday and their windows were all rolled down. a boy abt 4-5 yo was hanging out of the window like a dog. 
Franki: oh my gosh! look at that kid. that's dangerous. those are bad parents and that kid should be in his seat buckled in. when i'm a parent i wouldn't let my kid do that. 

:o) -- Dave was soooo proud of her he could hardly contain himself...
D: so where's the...blah blah? 
F: mommee likes to hid things from you daddee. mommee, you need to stop hiding things from daddee. only hide eggs on easter day, ok? 
:o) LOL Dave's champion and an opportunist!
F to me after a mild lecture:'re so boring. you keep saying blah blah blah blah blah. so boring.

:-S this so comes like...10 years earlier than expected...oih!!
F: daddee, i think vincent would really like this toy. 
D: yeah. cool. that's so thoughtful of you. 
F: i know. i'm a great big sister. so what do you have for me to let me know i'm a super great sister?
F got a booboo.the extent of her injury is litterally skin deep. some bleeding.the WE channel wishes it has actors this good. in the mist of her drama, she looked at her toe, turned away and cried some more, then a second look. then silenced. then firmly "i don't like my ouwie" 
M: i know. it shtink to have ouwies. learned anything? 
F: yeah. don't get ouwies cause they're ugly"
F: look mommee, i can balance a book on my head. 
M: oh yeah? wannachallenge? walk with it on your head 
F: i don't think 5 year olds can do that. besides, i'm too squirmish.
F: Daddee. i can speak hummingbird.
D: oh? 
F: yeah. hmmmmmmmmmm. see? they're birds and they hum. that's why they're called humming birds. and i speak hummingbirds. seeeeeeeeee? --- big ol'smile with lotsa teeth followed. :o) LOL
F: I love you mommee
M: awww. i love you too. i'm the luckiest mommee everrrr
F: yeah. i love you as much as i love daddeeee, which is a whole lot. i love daddeeee as much as the whole kabilillion universe. so daddeeee's even luckier. -- :o)

F: i'm not happy with you mommee. you annoy me with your rules and you won't let me do anything. why do you make me bored? i can't do anything.
--- wonder how sophisticated this statement would get when she's 14......hmmmmm....
Franki called her grandma: hi grandma, how are you? 
G: hi honey. i'm good. what have you been doing today? 
F: i'm in the office working right now, but i also watched the fishies, rode my bike, played with mommee and vincent, oh and the fishies are soooo slimy. and the huming bird is chasing away all other hummingbirds so that he can have the feeder all to himself. he's being naughty. i'm walking now. no wait, i'm kinda walking but talking too...
M: what's wrong?
F: i bonked my foot when i tried to close the door
M: you ok?
F: yeah.
M: were you rushing again
F: yeah.
D: maybe you shouldn't do that.
F: I don't want to hear from you right now.
LOL :o) truth hurts even when you're only 5 :o) HAH!

F: Mommee. have i been good today?
M: whaddaya think?
F: hmmm...i think i've been super duper good today.
M: oh? how didja come to that assessment?
F: well...maybe i was just good since i did broke 2 rules today.
M: oh? wanna list them?
F exasperated: oh nevermind, ughhhh. you are soooo annoying. :o) LMAO!

Those of you with teens out there...tell me that it doesn't get any worse than this...?????

Ok, so i set myself up for this one...but i gotta give her the credit nonetheles...
M: dinner's ready princess
F in a sing song voice: okkkkkkk, i'll be there in a royal minute. i need to finish working on my royal doheekee.

F: Daddee's a better boss than you. he's got great ideas. you're a crazy boss. he's a better boss. :o) LMAO.
M: HHHHIIIIII!!!! how was your day?
F: great! i had a great time!
M: cool. whacha do?
F: i don't wanna talk about it. tell me what you did today?
M: i don't wanna talk about it. i wanna hear about your day.
F: we did lotsa stuff. ok your turn.
M: i didn't do much. ok your turn.
F: Mommeeeeeeeeeee. you're annoying me.
LMAO :o) we got the dishing it down, but still working on taking it... :o) HAH!!!!

F professed that something was boring. so, here comes daddee...
D: you know...boring is an opinion. you might not want to share that with everyone in your class. you can share it with us, but not with your teacher or your classmates.
F looked at him with loving eyes and a gentle smile: you're boring funny daddee.

:o) LMAO. it ACTUALLY MADE SENSE!!!! Dave stifled a laugh, rolled his eyes and walked away. :o) LMAO

F: school's boring mommee. i don't learn anything new.
M: hmmm...true. maybe not the reading, writing, math, or other blah blah stuff, but i can think of at least one thing.
F: what?
M: following directions. you can definitely learn to follow directions...better.
F: DDDDaddeee can learn not to laugh when he thinks something mommee says about me is funny.

F stepped on a toy: "OWOWOWOWWEEEEEE"
M: you ok?
F: yeeaah waahahayeaha
M: what happened?
F: i stepped on a toy.
F doing dave's voice: WOMAN! You need to stop having so much crap.
M LMAO: not a problem. lets bag all your toys and clear them out of the house.
F perky and smiley (light switch): i love you mommeee

M read the following word: SOLDER --> "sold-der"
D corrected: "saw-der"
M: shouldn't it be written as sodder or sawder or souder if that's how it's supposed to be pronounced?
D: look woman, i didn't invent the language
F: it's ok mommee. i know only daddee and me know how to read. you're still learning. it's ok. :o) LMAO!!!!

So Dave started dozing off on the floor while hanging out with the kids in the game room. F was being her competitive self as she played with V. Suddenly, she stopped playing, got up and went into our room, came out with a blanket and pillow, covered dave with the blanket, and attempted to lift his ginormous head to place the pillow underneath. :o) my heart melted and then i LMAO :o).

Frankism & Stuff #7

F: mommee. we have a kazillion hummingbirds. we need more sugar to make their food like a kabazillion more sugar.
D: a KKKKaBBBBazillion?
F: you're funny daddee. oh look they're pooping.
M thinking while Dave and Franki banter...what are the chances that politicians think the way a 5yo does all the time...hmmmmm....

got a hand written note on my desk: "I WENT TO FLORDA FOR VEKASHIN LOVE FRANKI" :o) LOL...i guess even 5yos need one from time to time :o)
Right after i picked up the toys in the playroom, went to the kitchen as vince followed me, came back into the playroom to find a tornado had came through.
F in a sing song voice as she casually strolled out of her bedroom: ok mamma. but mamma...i LUUUUVVVUUHHHUUUVVV YOUUUUUUU!
V: uh oh. oh no.
I'm surrounded by comodians!

F was all frustrated and grumpy.
M: i understand you're frustrated, and it's not easy being a kid some times...
F interrupted: i don't think it's hard being a kid. i think it's easy. i'm just frustrated because you won't let me do what i want. 
:o) LMAO! simply profound and yet so young!
M: what's with these bruises on me...(obviously thinking aloud)
F matter of factly: it's because you're old and you keep denting yourself.
:o) LOL she's obviously ready to go and get her BS :o)

Case 1:
D: woman! i thought we agree not to...
F: You're wrong mommee. Daddee's right. you should do what daddee says.
Case 2:
Dave & Franki playing monopoly (by the rules and all) when she landed on his prop.
D: you owe me $60 in rent. cough it up
F COUGHED and money flew over to dave's pile :o) BAHAHAAHAH

Scene: Called Dave @ Work, Franki & Vince near by when i called...
K dialed
D: hello
K: it's wiffffe
F: No it's not. it's momeeeeeeeee.

@10:08AM (school started @ 805am)
F: my hands are tired mommee
M: huh...wachado?
F: i worked it too much today
M: yah did? when? thought you got to school, got into your costume and got ready to get on stage for the thanksgiving celebration song...when didja worked your hands?
F: i worked and excercise my hands very hard when i fed myself popcorn after the show. it was a lot of work grabbing popcorn, then put it in my mouth and i kept going back and forth with feeding myself popcorn. [sigh] it was a lot of work mommee


F: i'm the luckiest kid in the whole wide world and today is the bestest day of my entire life
M: glad you think so coootie pie. (yah...i have to ask) but i'm curious...what made you feel that way?
F: i have the bestest mommee ever and i wouldn't want any other mommee.
M: really? not even if you can trade me for like say...20 thousand chicken nuggets?
F: many nuggets can i get for daddee? more cause he's bigger than you right?

:o) BAHHAHAHA...i had to ask...


M: i love thunderstorms
F: me too. you know what i really love? hurricanes
M: but people could get hurt in hurricanes.
F: no i'm talking about category 1

F: mommee. i know you wanted me to come home early today after the thanksgiving celebrashen today.
M: why yes. i did.
F: i made your wish came true didn't i?
M: why yes. you did. thank you.
F: i make wishes come true for you. how lucky you are mommee that i grant wishes.
M: why yes. i guess i am. can i make another wish?
F: sure.
M: i wish you would try a piece of carrot.
F: now you're just being silly mommee.

D: you went airborn
F: I LIKE to go airboring!

F: Do i have a nickname?
D: sure you do, it's Franki
F: that's a nickname?
D: sure. or monkey
F: i don't like monkey. that's not a pretty nickname
D: but you are a monkey
F: stop it daddee. i like franki. i'll stick with franki.

F: why do we need to learn math?
D: so people can't rip us off.
F: why would people want to rip our armpit off?

:o) BAHAAHAHAHAHAH the things you say vs the things she understand vs the things she says :o). these are really good times!
F professed that something was boring. so, here comes daddee...
D: you know...boring is an opinion. you might not want to share that with everyone in your class. you can share it with us, but not with your teacher or your classmates.
F looked at him with loving eyes and a gentle smile: you're boring funny daddee. :o) LMAO. it ACTUALLY MADE SENSE!!!! Dave stifled a laugh, rolled his eyes and walked away. :o) LMAO


M: HHHHIIIIII!!!! how was your day?
F: great! i had a great time!
M: cool. whacha do?
F: i don't wanna talk about it. tell me what you did today?
M: i don't wanna talk about it. i wanna hear about your day.
F: we did lotsa stuff. ok your turn.
M: i didn't do much. ok your turn.
F: Mommeeeeeeeeeee. you're annoying me.
LMAO :o) we got the dishing it down, but still working on taking it... :o) HAH!!!!
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