Franki's version of ...

...Cleaning up: take everything on the floor and place them on the table/sofa/chair

...dusting: two swipes with the swiffer, then wants a new pad because it's "dirty now"

...making her sandwich: take the cheese to eat it while saying, "ok, i will snack on the cheese while you make the sandwich, ok?"

...being quiet: speaking at a loud whisper

...eating everything i give her: only if they're chocolates

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The torture of childhood...

She goes through her day eating hotpockets, crackers, pizza sandwiches, gold fish, and some times toast when she's really desperate. but now, we implemented the beginning of the end of making her own selection and as a result, an fussy and dramatically sad child appeared. this is a moment in her childhood that i'm sure she'll remember as torture, now, but hopefully we can all laugh about it when the years go by.

the torture of childhood, and frustration of parenthood, at the moment:

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